Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1983 until now
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from 01.01.2018 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
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from 01.01.2004 until now
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Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Subject. Foreign and domestic research on the problem of studying the dental status of patients with cerebral palsy. In patients with systemic diseases, pathological changes occur that lead to dysfunction of organs and systems and can affect the condition of the oral cavity. Cerebral palsy manifests it self in the form of paresis, paralysis, coordination disorders, hyperkinesis of the muscles of the arms, neck, torso, and tongue, which adversely affects self-are. Children with cerebral palsy have a significantly reduced quality of life and deteriorated hygienic condition of the oral cavity. Oral fluid is important in maintaining oral homeostasis. Physico-biochemical characteristics of oral fluid are sensitive indicators of concomitant diseases and can serve as a prognostic indicator for assessing the likelihood of dental pathology. Objectives. Objective analysis of available literature data on the problem of studying the dental status of patients with cerebral palsy. This review article summarizes aspects that require attention in the dental treatment of children with cerebral palsy. Methodology. The search for publications was carried out on the PubMed platform, in the eLibrary electronic library and in MEDLINE databases, according to the specified keywords. In the course of the research, an independent search and analysis of scientific articles was carried out, as well as their systematization and ordering in the reference lists of literature. Results. The results of the work on the article showed that many literary sources and studies indicate a burdened dental status, which leads to an unsatisfactory level of dental care. There is a lack of preventive interventions aimed at optimizing the dental health of children with cerebral palsy. Conclusion. The dental status of children with cerebral palsy is burdened, requiring a special approach when developing treatment and preventive measures.
infantile cerebral palsy, dental morbidity, dental status, hypertonia of masticatory muscles, oral fluid
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