Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of the review is to emphasize the importance of integrating hydrolates into modern dental practice as a safe and effective approach to the treatment and prevention of dental diseases. The article discusses the use of hydrolates in dental practice for the symptomatic treatment of oral diseases. Hydrolate is a secondary distillate, fragrant (florentine) water formed during steam distillation of vegetable (usually essential oil) raw materials. Any hydrolate consists of distilled water and components that are carried away from vegetable raw materials by steam during steam or water distillation. Hydrolates have unique properties that can be useful in various aspects of dentistry. Hydrolates are one of the new directions in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. Hydrolates are rich in useful bioactive substances, vitamins and minerals, they contain various components: flavonoids, tannins, salicylic acid, camphor, quercetin, runines and terpenes. The modern literature on dental care is paying more and more attention to natural therapeutic products along with commercially created alternatives. Hydrolatotherapy, unlike prescription pharmaceuticals, can treat several symptoms at once or be used in combination with traditional treatments. The analysis of the available literature allows us to conclude about the positive prospects for the use of hydrolates in dental practice as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating, and bleeding-reducing drugs. Further controlled clinical studies are needed to establish the proven effectiveness of hydrolates and their widespread use as medicinal ingredients, determine the appropriate dose, bioavailability and bioefficiency.

periodontitis, hydrolates, temporary dentures, essential oils, fragrant water

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