from 01.01.2013 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2018 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Data from domestic and foreign literature indicate the need to use osteoplastic materials to restore bone tissue after tooth extraction to prevent significant atrophy of the alveolar ridge in the area of future dental implantation. At the moment, there are various types of osteoplastic materials that have become necessary in dental surgery. Osteoplastic materials are the basis for the formation of the patient’s own bone tissue. They have a number of properties that allow them to perform their main function. In this article we describe a clinical case of the use of osteoplastic material “Histograft” based on octacalcium phosphate granules. Octacalcium phosphate is a material that is converted to hydroxyapatite under physiological conditions and is considered the mineral precursor to bone apatite crystals. The uniqueness of this method lies in the preservation of bone tissue for subsequent implantation surgery without additional trauma and the creation of an additional surgical field. The patient underwent tooth extraction according to indications (diagnosis: “Chronic periodontitis”, according to ICD-10 K04.5), followed by socket augmentation surgery. The patient underwent a radiation examination, namely CBCT and OPTG (cone beam computed tomography, orthopantomogram) and a histological examination and morphological analysis of a biopsy specimen in the area of implantation of the Histograft material. According to the results of histological examination, the formation of new bone tissue was noted, in sufficient volume and density for further dental implantation. Thus, a synthetic osteoplastic material based on octacalcium phosphate granules with DNA growth factor can be used during socket augmentation surgery.
socket augmentation, osteoplastic material, octacalcium phosphate, chronic periodontitis, histograft
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