Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Subject. The article presents a literature review devoted to a topical issue in dentistry – methods for assessing the condition of bone tissue and jaw microcirculation before dental implantation. The purpose of the study: is to examine the materials of publications devoted to radiographic and functional methods for assessing the condition of bone tissue and jaw microcirculation before dental implantation. Methodology. Modern methods for assessing the condition of bone tissue and microcirculation in the area of the proposed dental implantation are described in detail in the light of modern concepts. Results. The importance of studying the condition of bone tissue and jaw microcirculation before dental implantation is shown. All radiographic methods used for this purpose are presented, and indications for their use are determined. The advantage of using the cone-beam computed tomography method is noted, since it, in addition to everything else, allows identifying the anatomical and topographic features of the jaw structure and bone density, allows planning the route of implant insertion, which directly affects the effectiveness of implantation. Evaluation of soft tissue microcirculation at the site of the proposed dental implantation is important, since microcirculation parameters are reliable predictors of the treatment outcome.. From this position, laser Doppler flowmetry is the most informative method for functional assessment of blood flow microcirculation before dental implantation, allowing to detect signs of pathological changes. Thus, a pronounced transformation in the intervention zone negatively affects the implantation performed. Reduction of the alveolar process parameters, deterioration of the blood supply to this area, the absence of chewing load after tooth extraction, increase the processes of alveolar process resorption within the boundaries of the defect of the dental system. Conclusions. The results of the review indicate that knowledge of the features of the state of bone tissue and microcirculation in the area of the proposed dental implantation is necessary for its adequate implementation, outcome prediction and prevention of complications. Laser Doppler flowmetry is the most informative method of functional assessment of blood flow microcirculation before dental implantation, it allows you to detect signs of pathological changes.
dental implantation area, methods of tissue condition assessment , doppler flowmetry, bone tissue resorption, microcirculation
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