Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.05.03 Стоматология
OKSO 31.08.72 Стоматология общей практики
OKSO 31.08.74 Стоматология хирургическая
OKSO 31.08.73 Стоматология терапевтическая
BBK 566 Стоматология
TBK 5773 Стоматология
BISAC MED016000 Dentistry / General
BISAC MED016010 Dentistry / Dental Assisting
BISAC MED016020 Dentistry / Dental Hygiene
BISAC MED016080 Dentistry / Dental Implants
BISAC MED016050 Dentistry / Oral Surgery
Introduction. Dentists' awareness of HIV-positive patients plays an important role in improving the quality of care for this group of patients. Objective: to assess the knowledge of practicing dentists about HIV-positive patients taking antiretroviral drugs. Materials and methods of the study. To achieve the goal of the study, the data obtained from an online survey of 181 doctors of dental specialties were analyzed. Statistical processing of the data was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2023 software. Results of the study. A large proportion (80.7%) of the surveyed dentists encounter HIV-positive patients at their appointments, 93.9% of the respondents know the difference between HIV and AIDS, but only 59.1% of them have heard/know about HAART drugs. According to 40.3% of the respondents, an HIV-positive patient taking HAART can transmit the virus to a doctor in an emergency situation, while 29.8% answered negatively and 29.8% do not know the answer to this question. More than 24% of dentists believe that HIV infection is transmitted through saliva. When an HIV-positive patient on therapy (HAART) is approached, a large proportion of dentists (50.8%) do not offer them routine procedures. 3.3% of dentists refused to admit an HIV-positive patient. 68.5% of respondents know what viral load is, but only 28.7% of dentists clarify its presence in a patient with HIV. 68.5% of dentists recommend HIV testing to their patients only in cases of atypical SOPS diseases. A patient was refused at the appointment stage or after counseling because of his HIV status in every 10th case. Conclusion. The vast majority of dentists are poorly informed about HIV infection and the drugs used to reduce viral load. We consider it necessary to recommend planning and conducting separate lecture sessions on HIV infection and the rules of safe reception of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy at universities and courses of additional professional education.
HIV infection, dental reception, awareness of dentists, increasing the level of medical care, HIV positive patients
1. Analiz potrebnosti v stomatologicheskoy pomoschi u pacientov s VICh-infekciey / A. S. Belyakova, M. V. Kozlova, I. V. Pchelin, K. A. Barskiy // Kremlevskaya medicina. Klinicheskiy vestnik. – 2020. – № 1. – S. 85-90. – DOIhttps://doi.org/10.26269/c6sp-bd51.
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3. Podymova A.S., Nozhkina N.V., Nechaeva O.B. Sovershenstvovanie regional'noy sistemy protivodeystviya rasprostraneniyu VICh-infekcii. Ekaterinburg. - 2019. - 336 s.
4. Denyushenkov V.L., Zagdyn Z.M. Medicinskaya pomosch' pacientam s VICh-infekciey pri stomatologicheskih zabolevaniyah (analiticheskiy obzor). Social'nye aspekty zdorov'ya naseleniya [setevoe izdanie] 2023; 69(4):4. DOI:https://doi.org/10.21045/2071-5021-2023-69-4-4
5. Giuliani M, Lajolo C, Sartorio A, et al. Attitudes and practices of dentists treating patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Med Sci Monit. 2009;15(6):PH49-PH56.
6. Alali FM, Tarakji B, Alqahtani AS, et al. Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Dental Students towards HIV and Its Oral Manifestations in Saudi Arabia-A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare (Basel). 2022;10(8):1379. Published 2022 Jul 25. doihttps://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10081379
7. Belyakova A.S., Kozlova M.V., Pchelin I.V., Barskiy K.A. Analiz potrebnosti v stomatologicheskoy pomoschi u pacientov s VICh-infekciey. Kremlevskaya medicina. Klinicheskiy vestnik. 2020;(1):85-90. [Belyakova A.S., Kozlova M.V., Pchelin I.V., Barsky K.A. Needs in dental care for patients with HIV infection. Kremlin Medicine Journal. 2020;(1):85-90. (In Russ.)]. https://doi.org/10.26269/c6sp-bd51
8. Karakov K.G., Bezrodnova S.M., Kasimova G.V., Em A.V., Aluhanyan L.O., Timircheva V.V. VICh-infekciya v stomatologicheskoy praktike. Stavropol': Stavropol'skiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet; 2023. 80 s. [Karakov K.G., Bezrodnova S.M., Kasimova G.V., Em A.V., Alukhanyan L.O., Timircheva V.V. HIV infection in dental practice. Stavropol: Stavropol State Medical University; 2023. 80 p. (In Russ.)]. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54677629
9. Podymova A.S., Nozhkina N.V., Nechaeva O.B. Sovershenstvovanie regional'noy sistemy protivodeystviya rasprostraneniyu VICh-infekcii. Ekaterinburg: Znak kachestva; 2019. 336 s. [Podymova A.S., Nozhkina N.V., Nechaeva O.B. Improving the regional system for countering the spread of HIV infection. Yekaterinburg: Znak kachestva; 2019. 336 p. (In Russ.)]. https://mednet.ru/images/materials/CMT/monografiya_sovershenstvovanie_regionaljnoy_sistemy_protivodeystviya_rasprostraneniyu_vich-infekcii_2019.pdf
10. Denyushenkov V.L., Zagdyn Z.M. Medicinskaya pomosch' pacientam s VICh-infekciey pri stomatologicheskih zabolevaniyah (analiticheskiy obzor). Social'nye aspekty zdorov'ya naseleniya. 2023;69(4):4. [Denyushenkov V.L., Zagdyn Z.M. Dental care in HIV-infected patients: Analytical review. Social aspects of population health. 2023;69(4):4. (In Rus)]. https://doi.org/10.21045/2071-5021-2023-69-4-4
11. Giuliani M., Lajolo C., Sartorio A., Lacaita M.G., Capodiferro S., Cauda R., et al. Attitudes and practices of dentists treating patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Medical science monitor. 2009;15(6):PH49-PH56. https://medscimonit.com/abstract/index/idArt/869661
12. Alali F.M., Tarakji B., Alqahtani A.S., Alqhtani N.R., Nabhan A.B., Alenzi A., et al. Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Dental Students towards HIV and Its Oral Manifestations in Saudi Arabia-A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare (Basel). 2022;10(8):1379. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10081379