Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. Currently, there is a high prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases (hereinafter referred to as IPD). The development of pharmaceutical products for the prevention and treatment of IPD remains a promising task. Reliable methods are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of such tools, however, known methods are not always applicable in experimental modeling of IPD in laboratory animals. To solve this problem, we proposed the periodontal index of rats (hereinafter referred to as the PIoR). Goal. To evaluate the practical application of PIoR in modeling experimental gingivitis in Wistar rats. Materials and methods. 30 adult male Wistar rats were selected for the study. The animals are divided into 3 groups: 2 intervention groups and 1 control group. The experiment was conducted for 16 days. The first stage of the experiment is the simulation of experimental gingivitis. Dysbiosis of the mouth was created in animals and mechanical damage to the gums was inflicted in the area of the incisors of the lower jaw. The second stage is the treatment of gingivitis with drugs “Asepta”, “Stomatophyte”. On the 10th and 16th days, a visual and instrumental assessment of bleeding, color and consistency of the gum was performed using PIoR. Results. During the experiment, on the 16th day, a decrease in PIoR values was recorded in all groups. However, bleeding and gum consistency were higher in the Stomatophyte group. The average value of the indicator “Gum color” varied in the range of 0.6–1.2 and significantly differed in the observation groups. When analyzing the signs of IPD before and after gingivitis therapy, statistically significant differences in the "Gum consistency" sign were revealed within the groups (0.7 vs. 0) in the Asepta group. When studying the changes in the average indicators of signs in the Stomatophyte group, an increase in bleeding was noted from 0.8 to 1.2. In the control group of animals, normalization of gum color was noted. Conclusion. The proposed index can be an effective tool in evaluating new pharmaceutical products for the prevention and treatment of IPD.

inflammatory periodontal diseases, preclinical studies, periodontal index, Wistar rats, gingivitis

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