from 01.01.2008 until now
Tyumen', Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Subject. The issue of fixing movable teeth in periodontitis with splints remains relevant in dentistry, Dentists face certain difficulties in implementing a comprehensive periodontitis treatment plan. They are faced with the task of eliminating occlusive injury, preserving teeth and, accordingly, improving the quality of life of patients. The difficulties lie in choosing the appropriate design, technique and material of the tire. The complications that patients have to face after the polishing are chips, fractures, hydrophilicity of the tire, poor adhesion. The materials used for splinting are widely represented in the domestic and foreign markets. All of them are different in chemical composition and properties. However, their comparative characteristics have not been fully studied. The problem of studying the properties of splinting materials requires further research. Purpose. To analyze the modern scientific literature and consider the materials and methods used for splinting movable teeth. Methodology. The search and analysis of modern special scientific and methodological literature was carried out using scientific search library databases PubMed, Elibrary, Elsveir. The basis for the literature review was 35 sources published between 2017 and 2024. Conclusions. The types of splinting structures and the properties of the materials from which the tires are made are insufficiently covered in the literature and require our further study and structuring to develop tactics and criteria for choosing a tire based on a specific clinical situation. Compliance with the requirements will help reduce the risk of debonding and tire breakdowns, and a good level of compensation for chewing loads. The absence of breakages, good fit, and polishability will contribute to low bacterial adhesion, which will lead to a more stable remission of periodontitis.
splinting, tooth mobility, materials for splinting teeth, methods of splinting teeth, adhesive systems
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