Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Introduction. Electromyography is a method of diagnosing the electrical potentials of skeletal muscles. It is used to study the normal and pathological function of the motor apparatus. Electromyographic examination of the masticatory and temporal muscles proper during a maximum compression test that simulates the state of the masticatory muscles and while maintaining their height is extremely common in many sources and is part of the basic diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, which indicates the importance for researchers of this type of examination. Doctors orient themselves and adjust the treatment plan and tactics of their patients. The aim of the study is to evaluate electromyography indicators in dental practice for diagnosing the condition of the temporomandibular joint. Materials and Methods. During the experiment, 30 patients without pronounced clinical manifestations of temporomandibular joint dysfunction were selected. The removal of electromyography indicators (The complex of wireless monitoring of electrophysiological signals “Hummingbird” (Miograph, EMG)) was carried out. Results. Over the course of five days, the patient's action potential of the studied muscles changed significantly, and the symmetry of the synergists' work also did not coincide. EMG activity in the chewing area differed during the experiment in the morning and evening at rest and during the Brooks test in all patients. Conclusions. 1. The use of electromyography cannot be a fundamental method in diagnosing the temporomandibular joint due to the fact that muscle tone is not constant throughout the day. 2. A constant change in symmetry and absolute numbers during electromyography may indicate the high dynamism of the dental system, which is functionally connected with other systems, namely, involved as a compensatory mechanism in the pathogenesis of extra-articular pathologies of the temporomandibular joint.
dentistry, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, electromyography, masticatory muscles, orthopedic dentistry
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