Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Modern dental practice includes the use of a number of functional diagnostic methods in order to identify pathology, make an accurate diagnosis and choose a rational dental treatment. So, in the clinic of orthopedic dentistry, patients undergo daily treatment to restore the integrity of the dentition, and various methods of determining chewing effectiveness are used to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. Relevance: the aim of the study is to identify and identify the most effective method for digitally evaluating the chewing effectiveness of the dental system in patients. Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of a literature search and the study of original articles on the digital assessment of chewing efficiency in dentistry in databases: Russian State Library, eLibrary,, PubMed, Scopus, The Cochrane Library. The main selection of materials was carried out by keywords. Results. The data analysis is given in the table "Comparative analysis of existing digital sieve chewing samples", obtained based on the study of modern existing digital methods for determining chewing efficiency. Conclusion. To date, among the considered methods for determining chewing effectiveness, the sieve method can be distinguished, since it gives a particularly accurate idea of the functioning of the dental system, and most physiologically reflects the act of chewing and chewing food in the patient. However, digital analogues of sieve methods for determining chewing efficiency are presented in small quantities and require further study.

dentistry, orthopedic dentistry, chewing, chewing efficiency, dental apparatus, digital methods

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