Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Xerostomia. Objectives. To analyze risk factors, to identify the incidence of xerostomia and a healthy lifestyle of students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Ural State Medical University (USMU). Methodology. The work was carried out at the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases, at the Department of General Chemistry of USMU, at the Department of Controlled Systems Modeling of UrFU. The objects of the study were: a questionnaire consisting of two parts and volunteers – students of the Faculty of Dentistry of USMU. The first part of the questionnaire is based on the questionnaire "List of cases of xerostomia" modified by the authors of this study to 12 questions. The second part of the questionnaire (author's) consists of 29 questions on a healthy lifestyle (HLS), which also affect the development of xerostomia. Thus, the total number of questions in the questionnaire was 41. Statistical processing of the results was carried out on a personal computer using the Microsoft Excel 2007 application software package; the reliability of the differences was assessed by the Student's t-distribution using the Statistica 6.0 software package; the confidence interval for mathematical expectation M ± m was determined, where M is the sample average. The differences are considered. Conclusions. Students of the Faculty of Dentistry of USMU adhere to the rules aimed at maintaining the health of the oral cavity: they change their toothbrush (from 3 to 5 times a year – 85%), brush their teeth for at least three minutes (more than 48%) twice a day (77.7%) and use additional means of interdental hygiene (76.7%). 38% indicate dry lips. Dryness in the nose is emphasized by 14.1% of students. "Dry mouth is associated with elevated blood sugar", 2% of the study participants noted. It is advisable to investigate the problem of prevention of dental diseases, individual and professional oral hygiene programs, as well as regular general hygiene measures and the elimination of bad habits among students.

oral fluid, inventory of xerostomia, healthy lifestyle, student survey, therapeutic dentistry

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