Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Vladikavkaz, Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Objective. To study the dental pathology frequency and structure of clinical polymorphism among respondents in adolescence and 1st period of adulthood studying at universities in Stavropol. Methodology. 508 respondents aged 17–35 years according to the Gurov V.A. (2018) classification of human age periodization were examined clinically, by questionnaire and 3D-biometrically. Therapeutic, orthopedic, orthodontic and gnathological complaints were identified when filling out the proposed express dental health card for a first-year students. Using virtual dynamic 3D-reformats of diagnostic jaw models, the types of occlusal relationships of dentitions and the types of dentitions shape anomalies (V-shaped, saddle-shaped, triangular, trapezoidal, asymmetrical) with a distal relationship were determined. Results. The dental pathology frequency of occurrence and structure of clinical polymorphism in respondents of adolescence and 1st period of adulthood with complete and incomplete dentitions were diagnosed in descending order as follows: anomalies of occlusion without gnathological disorders, various localization defects of dentitions, anomalies of occlusion with gnathological disorders, defects of dentitions with anomalies of occlusion, defects of dentitions with gnathological and occlusal disorders and defects of dentitions only with gnathological disorders. The structure of occlusion anomalies was diagnosed in descending order as follows: distal occlusion, cross occlusion, mesial and vertical incisal occlusion. Physiological occlusion was the least during the study. Conclusion. Structured data from questionnaires, clinical examinations and 3D-biometric data from shape analysis of the virtual dynamic 3D-reformats of diagnostic jaw models can be used in conducting epidemiological studies, simplifying diagnosis, prognosis, archiving and increasing the efficiency of complex dental treatment.
first-year student dental health express-card, dental pathology frequency of occurrence, dental pathology clinical polymorphism structure, CBCT, 3D-CBCT reformat, occlusion anomalies, distal occlusion, dental arch shape anomalies, respondents
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