Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Periodontitis is the most common inflammatory disease that leads to the destruction of the supporting tissues of the tooth. Therapeutic treatments aimed at reducing the effects of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may be an effective adjunct to the treatment of periodontitis. The review examines the role of proteolytic enzyme inhibitors in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases. General information about the ability of tetracyclines to inhibit MMPs is discussed. The purpose of the study was to examine the use of MMP inhibitors as a treatment for periodontal disease. Material and research methods. A scientific review of studies was carried out in Russian and English using information portals and platforms, Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus. The search was carried out using the following keywords: matrix metalloproteinases; oral diseases; tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. Of the 55 initially identified articles, after the initial analysis, 19 publications devoted to the study of MMP inhibitors associated with periodontal diseases were selected. Results of the study. Analysis of the literature allows us to conclude that the elimination of local irritants of periodontal tissues, the use of a therapeutic and prophylactic complex of measures using MMP inhibitors will have an advantage over traditional methods of treatment, will contribute to longer remission and prevent the progression of the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues, positively influence its course and reduce treatment time. The use of metalloproteinase inhibitors is an effective therapeutic strategy in the treatment of periodontal diseases. Conclusions. The therapeutic potential of metalloproteinase inhibitors may help prevent tissue damage in inflammatory periodontal diseases.

matrix metalloproteinases, periodontal diseases, extracellular matrix anti-inflammatory treatment, tissue metalloproteinase inhibitors

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