Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Deafness, hearing loss are one of the most common sensory pathologies in children. It negatively affects the formation of personality and quality of life. Children with hearing and speech impairments require special medical supervision. It is necessary to develop programs to prevent major dental diseases for deaf children. This requires a comprehensive assessment of the dental status, taking into account age, the severity of the main pathology, and socio-psychological factors that contribute to the development of the formation characteristics of the child’s body. Purpose. To analyze the prevalence and intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases in children with hearing impairment according to various literature data. Methodology. An analysis of publications was carried out using scientific search library databases: PubMed Central, Google, Medline, eLibrary. The selection of materials was based on using keywords. The search included full-text articles. 36 sources were analyzed. Results. Analysis of the prevalence of dental diseases in children with hearing impairment has not been sufficiently published in Russian-language literary sources. According to various literature data, there is a high prevalence of caries and periodontal diseases in children with hearing impairment. Some authors compared these indicators with a group of healthy children. Children with hearing and speech impairments have higher rates of prevalence and intensity of caries and periodontal diseases. Conclusions. The high prevalence of dental diseases in children with hearing impairment is an additional medical and social problem. For this category of the population, it is of great importance for the development of prevention programs.

dental caries, periodontal diseases, prevalence, children with hearing impairment

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