Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov (Department of Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases and New Technologies, Professor of Department)
Cheboksary, Cheboksary, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
According to the literature, in a mentally healthy population, the main cause of tooth extraction is complications of caries and periodontitis, mainly in elderly and senile patients. In patients with psychiatric pathology, many authors note the high prevalence of dental diseases and emphasize the need for tooth extraction. The aim of the investigation was to study the structure of dental diseases requiring tooth extraction in psychiatric hospital patients. Material and methods of research. Information was copied from 1812 dental records of patients who were on inpatient treatment at the V.N. Bekhterev RCPB in the period from 2014 to 2016 at the age of 16 to 82 years (879 men and 933 women). The main reason for hospitalization of most patients was the diagnosis of schizophrenia (59%). The statistical software package SPSS 13.0 (1999) was used for statistical processing of the results. The results of the study. During the study period, the dental surgeons of the RCPB received 1812 patients who had 2187 teeth removed. Mostly, the tooth extraction operation was performed for chronic periodontitis (47.2%). The greatest number of removals for periodontitis was observed in elderly patients (57.1%). The smallest number of teeth removed due to periodontitis was observed in the group of middle-aged patients (45–59 years) and amounted to 36.3% of the total number of teeth removed. This is due to the predominance of chronic periodontitis in these patients, which is comparable to the indicators in patients without psychiatric pathology. In the group of elderly and senile patients, tooth extraction surgery for chronic periodontitis was performed in 49.3% of cases. Conclusions. The main reason for tooth extraction in mentally ill patients was chronic periodontitis and its exacerbation – 47.2%. The average age of these patients was 59.16 ± 14.33 years in men and 52.91 ± 11.85 years in women. The predominance of chronic periodontitis in the structure of the causes of tooth extraction in patients of the middle age group indicates an early clinical manifestation of inflammatory and destructive changes in the periodontium.
patients with psychiatric pathology, the cause of tooth extraction, chronic periodontitis, complications of caries, dental status
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