Samara, Russian Federation
Samara, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
Relevance. In connection with the development of Hi-Hume high humanitarian technologies, named so by analogy with Hi-Tech high technologies, it seems relevant to consider the problem of techno-humanitarian balance (THB) in modern dentistry. This is due, in particular, to the fact that today the vector of interests of dentists is often shifted towards Hi-Tech, and they do not always pay due attention to Hi-Hume issues. The main purpose of the work. To draw the attention of dentists to the significance of the THB problem in their professional activities. Used approaches. An analytical approach has been applied to the study of various points of view on the concept of Hi-Hume. The provisions of legislative and by-laws related to the implementation of the principles of humanism and the provision of adequate regulatory mechanisms for the use of new medical technologies have been studied. A survey of 100 respondents (50 dentists, 50 medical students) was conducted. Results. Using the questionnaire method, the relation of dentists and medical students to the importance of high technologies (Hi-Tech), high humanitarian technologies (Hi-Hume), as well as their adequate balance for the development of modern dentistry, is shown. It is noted that dentists attached more importance to the importance of Hi-Tech (intraoral scanning, 3D printing, microprosthetics using milling, etc.) in the development of modern dentistry in comparison with Hi-Hume (realization of the patient's personal potential when providing dental care). Three variants of the ratio of humanitarian and technological aspects in dentistry are considered. Main conclusions. When using Hi-Hume in dentistry, one should single out not so much the technological (instrumental) as the value aspect. Despite the difficulties in achieving an adequate THB of the actual practice of a dentist, the desire for it should not be questioned. When analyzing a specific medical technology, the possibility of unreasonably restraining influence of social norms on its implementation into practice should be excluded.
techno-humanitarian balance, high technologies (Hi-Tech), high humanitarian technologies (Hi-Hume), three options for the ratio of humanitarian and technological aspects in dentistry, questioning
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