Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The subject. Clinical manifestations of dependence on synthetic narcotic substances have been thoroughly studied by specialists in the field of psychiatry, narcology, therapy, immunology at the tissue, organ and system levels. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about dentistry. When receiving a drug-dependent patient, most dentists cannot determine drug addiction and, accordingly, competently draw up a treatment plan for such patients. Objectives. To study the features of the management of dental diseases in patients taking synthetic narcotic substances, according to the literature. Methodology. Within the framework of this article, the analysis of publications from the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, eLibrary and Cyberleninka describing the toxicological properties and clinical manifestations of synthetic narcotic substances is carried out. The search included full-text articles for the last 5 years. Informational letters were excluded from the analysis. Results. The fight against the spread and use of narcotic substances throughout the world is not slowing down. However, the creation of analogues of studied and illicit drugs by correcting their chemical structures, as well as new narcotic substances with known properties, reduces the effectiveness of this struggle. The dental status of patients taking synthetic narcotic substances has been little studied, since they rarely seek dental care, arriving, as a rule, for urgent indications, or by referral from a narcological institution. Conclusions. The analyzed literature data suggest that in patients taking synthetic "designer" substances, the most studied are the manifestations of drug addiction in terms of their effect on the central nervous system. This problem is relevant for doctors of narrow specialties, since knowing the signs of drug use, it is possible to correctly plan treatment tactics, preventing the occurrence of complications during the administration of drugs. Since the manifestations of drug addiction in dental patients are practically not described in the scientific literature, this topic requires further research.
synthetic drugs, dental manifestations of drug addiction, synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, designer drugs, new psychoactive substances
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