from 01.09.2008 until now
Ural State Medical University (Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases, Associate Professor of the Department)
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.05.03 Стоматология
BBK 53 Клиническая медицина в целом
TBK 573 Клиническая медицина в целом
To date, implantation has become quite a massive operation in public institutions. In the last 10 years, the number of complications at the surgical stage of implantation has decreased to a minimum. Numerous experimental and clinical studies prove the success of osseointegration of implants, but nevertheless the possible negative consequences of such operations persist. The increasingly frequent use of titanium supports leads to the emergence of clinical situations related to both the characteristics of the human body and the individual characteristics of a specialist doctor. It is also necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the patient's behavior in the treatment of such complications. Subject. Professional and psychological capabilities of a doctor to work effectively in a situation of uncertain outcome of a surgical operation. The relevance of this study is due to the need to prevent complications of implantation surgery in the professional activity of a dentist-surgeon. The need for this study was also dictated by the needs of patients using implantological systems in maintaining the quality of life. The aim is to study the preservation of the implant in the event of apical peri-implantitis. Methodology. A retrospective study was conducted on the basis of the State Medical Institution with "SP No. 12" of patients who underwent implantation treatment. Patients were included in the study if they had one or more implants without clinical signs of implant mobility. Results. The patient was treated with surgical tactics to remove the formation in the area of the apical part of the implant; antibacterial therapy; mechanical curettage; chemical decontamination and the imposition of an allogeneic graft. Conclusions. Retrograde (apical) reimplantitis was successfully cured by surgical curettage and the use of bone substitutes, and all implants are still in place after an average follow-up period of 1.44 years.
resource approach during complex surgical intervention, clinical psychology and counseling, dental implants, periimplantitis, periapical diseases, periapical granuloma
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