Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The possibilities provided by digital technology in clinical practice of orthopaedic dentistry in Russia is being quite successfully integrated into activity of healthcare facilities, which makes it possible to optimise diagnostic and treatment processes as well as to increase the competitiveness in the market of medical services including the international level. The main stages of evolution and perfection of technologies for denture manufacturing have been considered with detailed characterisation of the corresponding advantages and disadvantages of the developed technologies. The main directions for perfection of these processes based on digital technology have been determined, structural components of these advanced technologies, their advantages and development methods in modern conditions have been described. The aim of the study. To study and analyse the modern development of digital technology in clinical practice of orthopaedic dentistry applied in Russia. Materials and methods. The study was carried out based on the search and analysis of original articles on the issues in development and perfection of digital technologies in clinical practice in the ELIBRARY, PubMed and Cyberleninka databases. A total of 73 sources have been analysed (52 Russian and 21 foreign papers). Conclusion. The use of modern digital possibilities in dentistry with application of computed tomography scanners, intraoral and extraoral scanning devices as well as innovative software integrating the obtained diagnostic data into practical implementation of subtractive and additive technologies in the process of manufacturing orthopaedic dental constructions occupies a certain niche within practical activity of dentists. The evolution of technologies for manufacturing of orthopaedic dental constructions has a vast and rich history. Each of the developed technologies has made a great scientific and practical clinical contribution to the development of orthopaedic dentistry. In modern conditions, the most promising digital technologies in clinical practice of orthopaedic dentistry from the standpoint of scientific and technical progress are additive technologies.

digital technologies in dentistry, additive technologies, 3D printing, CAD/CAM, intraoral scanners, optical impressions, dentures

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