from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2019
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1992 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Yekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Introduction. The phenomena of intolerance to structural materials often occur in patients using removable dentures made of acrylic plastics, in this regard, the problem of intolerance to structural materials does not lose its relevance. However, today, the lack of knowledge in diagnostics forces us to delve into the search for diagnostic criteria. The current level of development of dentistry determines the need to search for diagnostic criteria that can reliably identify patients with a high risk of developing intolerance to structural materials (SIM) and predict the likelihood of its occurrence. This study is devoted to assessing the effectiveness of laboratory diagnostics in case of intolerance to structural materials. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of some methods of laboratory diagnostics in identifying non-allergic (toxic) etiology of intolerance to structural materials. Methodology. 22 patients were examined, of which 14 healthy volunteers and 8 patients with signs of intolerance to structural materials can be distinguished. An analysis of buccal cytograms (buccal epithelium) was carried out, and a study of the oral fluid was also carried out (a study of dry chemistry). Results. When studying the buccal cytogram in the main group, an increase in the apoptosis index (1.12) and a decrease in the reparative index (0.67) were found in patients with intolerance to structural materials. When studying the oral fluid (physicochemical study), signs of minimal inflammation activity were revealed in the main group of patients. We observe a decrease in pH (6), an increase in total protein (0.5 g/L) and an increase in leukocytes (65). Conclusions. The data obtained indicate that in patients with intolerance to construction materials, there are signs of minimal inflammation when examining the oral fluid, impaired reparative processes and an increasing index of apoptosis when examining the buccal cytogram.
intolerance to construction materials, cytogram, oral fluid, methyl methacrylate, acrylic plastic, burning sensation in the mouth
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