Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. digital technologies used by the service of examination of temporary disability associated with a dental disease and their adoption in dental medical organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan. The aim — to develop a computer simulation program for predicting the duration of temporary disability associated with a dental disease. Results. Odontogenic inflammatory processes, which were identified in 66.1% of the cases, represented the largest proportion of causes of temporary disability in patients of dental medical organizations. Maxillofacial traumas took the second place with a proportion of 13.9% of all the causes. Diseases related to loss of teeth due to extraction were identified in 384 patients, or in 7.4% of cases, and took the third place. The authors of the study determined the duration of temporary disability for each category of dental disease in the Republic of Tatarstan, the average duration of which was 8.48 ± 0.04 days. Based on clinical statistical analysis, a matrix was created for predicting the duration of dental diseases leading to temporary disability represented by a computer software for dental medical organizations. Conclusions. Dental diseases in patients are related to the cases where treatment and rehabilitation are provided by several medical organizations; the authors created software for dentists, which predicts the duration of cases, their statistical analysis, eliminates errors in the issue of sick leave certificates, draws standard reporting statistical documents in order to provide reliable information on the state of the economically active population, to plan preventive activities, appropriate comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation of patients.
temporary disability expertise, dental morbidity, dental medical organization, computer program
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