Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Thing. Among the fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton are most often re-breaking down the lower jaws. The diagnosis of them does not represent difficulties, but despite this, the clinical course of the lower jaw fractures is often complicated by the development of herbal osteomyelitis, which affects the reparative processes in the bone and for the duration of the temporary disability of patients. In connection with the foregoing, the study of factors af-fecting the clinical course of the lower jaw fractures, and the investigator, but on the duration of the temporary disability of patients, is relevant. Purpose — to study the factors influencing the clinical course of mandibular fractures and the timing of temporary disability of patients Methodology. An analysis of 918 stories of the disease of patients with fractures of the Low-er Chelf. The share of traumatic osteomyelitis is determined. Possible factors that contribute to the development of this complication and an increase in the duration of temporary disability is studied. Results. The development of traumatic osteomyelitis in the fractures of the lower jaw is due to the complex of interrelated factors. The most significant among them are: non-timely appeal of the victims of specialized help, senior wagon, poor-quality assistance in the pre-hospital stage, the presence of a stroke of Zu-Ba, having a chronic infection in the periapical tissues and the incorrect tactics of the doctor in relation to this tooth, Multiple fractures on one side of the chemistry, the choice of the method of fixing fragments. The duration of the temporary disability of patients with the development of traumatic osteomyelitis is significantly larger than with the uncomplicated clinical course of the lower jaw fractures. Conclusions. In order to reduce the frequency of development of traumatic osteomyelitis, it is necessary to conduct targeted prophylactic work aimed at improving the quality of the provi-sion of specialized assistance to patients with fractures of the lower person, both in the dogoital and hospital stages.
fracture, lower jaw, osteomyelitis, temporary disability, reparative regeneration, displacement of fragments, specialized assistance, re-position of fragments
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