Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To maintain homeostasis of the internal environment of the body, mechanisms are needed that control the exchange of various components between blood and the internal environment of tissues and organs. One of these physiological structures is the blood-salivary barrier, which regulates the selective metabolism between blood and oral fluid. Changes in the composition of biological fluids (blood and saliva) can be used as markers for diagnosing pathological conditions of the body and the dynamics of therapeutic measures. Of great importance is the study of the blood-salivary barrier for the search for drugs that are selectively transferred from the blood to the saliva. Some drugs are excreted in saliva at a concentration higher than they are in the blood. However, more often the concentration of drugs in saliva is much lower than in blood serum. Purpose: to form a list of the main trends and scientific and practical directions on the func-tioning of the hematosalvarial barrier. Materials and methods: to analyze the topic of the clinical significance of the hematosalvarial barrier, periodicals and scientific journals of domestic and foreign literature were studied, which determined the difference in the levels of trace elements, hormones, immune complexes between the oral fluid and serum. Conclusion: Analysis of literature data shows that the function of the blood-salivary barrier acts as a nonspecific adaptive mechanism, while saliva reflects the state of the protective functions of the barrier at the organismal level. Analysis of the selectivity and permeability of the blood-salivary barrier, as well as determination of changes in the composition and proper-ties of blood and oral fluid, can optimize and facilitate the diagnosis and control of treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity and the body as a whole.

blood-fluid barrier, oral fluid, homeostasis, pathogenesis, diagnosis

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