Saint-Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 61 Медицина. Охрана здоровья
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.08.77 Ортодонтия
BBK 566 Стоматология
BISAC MED016030 Dentistry / Orthodontics
Subject. The mechanisms of occlusion disturbance are associated with various pathogenic factors. Determining the relationship between the characteristics of the patient's dental status is a mandatory stage of diagnosis. There are a large number of mathematical models of tooth movements within the dentition, but the disadvantage of such models, mainly, is the lack of consideration of local conditions that affect the movement of individual teeth. In addition, there are currently no data on the influence of local factors and age on the total duration of orthodontic treatment. The aim is to determine the factors that significantly affect the timing of orthodontic treatment. Methodology. The base of the study was the department of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics of the research institute of dentistry, St. Petersburg State Medical University. The object of the research were 146 medical records of orthodontic patients No. 043-1 / y. A database was created based on a retrospective analysis of medical records and further statistical processing to identify regression correlation. Results. It was revealed that such parameters of a dental patient as the presence of gum recession, the presence of mobility and the presence of a concomitant dentoalveolar anomaly affect the duration of treatment. Parameters that are not correlated with the timing: the type of vestibule, the presence of bleeding, and the patient's age. Conclusions. In the future, such data can be used to predict the timing of orthodontic treatment, create a mathematical model and a personalized criterion for the movement of teeth, which in turn will expand the possibilities of planning orthodontic treatment and increase compliance with the upcoming correction of dentoalveolar anomalies.
orthodontics, statistics, correlation analysis, local factors, database, anomaly of the dental position
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