Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Subject. A comparative assessment of the state of the stomatognathic system on the example of the bioelectrical activity of temporal and masticatory muscles in patients who used removable implant-supported overdentures with bar fixation system, made by two different methods: traditional and using digital methods of treatment planning and manufacturing was carried out. Objectives. To compare the changes of bioelectrical activity of temporal and masticatory muscles in patients with removable implant-supported overdentures made by two different methods: traditional and digital, who used dentures for a long time (12 months). Methods. Bioelectrical activity and symmetry of temporal and masseter muscles were investigated clinically by surface electromyography. Electromyography was performed in five probes: Rest, Light CO, Natural Swallowing, Maximal Volitional Clench (MVC) and Clench on Cotton Rolls (MVCCR). Results. In patients using overdentures produced in traditional way, no normal values of muscle activity were observed in any of the probes at the end of the study. In patients who used overdentures, made with the use of digital technologies, we noted a decrease of bioactivity of the muscles in the probes of Rest and Light CO, and an increase of biopotentials in the probes of MVC and MVCCR. The values obtained at the end of the study were characterized as normal or acceptable. Conclusions. The application of a digital method of treatment planning and fabrication of removable implant-supported overdentures with a bar fixation system allows to achieve more physiological values of temporal and masticatory muscles biopotentials, which can be interpreted as recovery of the functional integrity of the stomatognathic system.
electromyography, bioelectrical activity of muscles, symmetry of muscles, implants, removable implant-retained overdenture
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