Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Between the blood and the organs, between the blood and tissues there are special barriers (blood-tissue barriers), which represent the multilevel security system of the organism, aimed at providing general and local homeostasis. The protective function of organs and tissues that are protected by blood-tissue barriers is realized by the changes of the permeability barrier for certain substances and is quantitatively estimated by the permeability coefficient (PC). In-depth studies of the functioning of blood-tissue barriers in lichen planus of the oral mucosa (LP OM) are relevant today. But they have not been conducted yet. In this study were involved 191 patients with various forms of lichen planus of the oral mucosa ( typical — 43 patients, exudative — hyperemic — 43 people, erosive-ulcerative — 47 patients, hyperkeratotic — 24 people, atypical — 28 patients, bullous — 6 people) a violation of a permeability condition of the blood-tissue barriers for some mineral elements (zinc, copper, iron, magnesium), which is of importance in the pathogenesis of the disease was found. This manifests itself in multidirectional changes in mineral composition of blood serum and oral fluid, which correlate to the severity of the clinical course of the disease. Thus, the definition of pathogenetic importance of the detected changes will allow solving the issue of a possible correction of the mineral content, resulting in a deficit, by assigning mineral supplements. The expected effects can be a relief of the clinical course of the process, a more rapid healing of erosions and ulcers in the mouth, improvement of the general condition of patients and improving their quality of life.
lichen planus, oral mucosa, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, pathogenesis, blood-tissue barriers, permeability
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