Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Background. In this article we have studied the results of a sociological survey of young people living in Omsk, users of modern electronic devices and their impact on the organs and systems of the human body. Objectives ― to study the frequency of using electronic devices in various spheres of life of Omsk residents; to assess the influence of electromagnetic radiation of a personal computer on the human body; establish the frequency of visits to the dentist for the purpose of a preventive examination. Methods. An electronic survey (Google Form) of 318 people was conducted in order to study issues related to electronic devices, general and dental health. The questionnaire consists of 25 questions, conventionally divided into 4 thematic groups. Results. Out of 318 people 80% of survey participants work on a personal computer every day for 2-3 hours without a break. 95% of respondents are aware of the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. 52.5% of the respondents do not comply with the recommendations regulated by the Russian Federation when working on a PC; 11% have no information about their existence. 80.8% of respondents visit a dentist 1-2 times a year for a preventive examination. Conclusions. According to the results of a sociological survey in the format of a questionnaire, the majority of respondents work on a personal computer every day, not observing hygiene recommendations. It has been proven that a long stay at a personal computer is unsafe for human organs and systems. It is necessary to develop dental recommendations for the prevention of the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation from a personal computer on the state of the oral cavity.
sociological survey, questionnaires, modern electronic devices, electromagnetic radiation of a personal computer, dental health
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