Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The role of vitamin D in maintaining oral health. Objectives. To review literature on the role of vitamin D in maintaining oral health. Methodology. This literature review is based on analysis of published research reports on effects of vitamin D on oral health. Using key words, research studies published in the past five years with the most comprehensive explanations of the role of vitamin D and its metabolites in the body are selected on such e-resources as PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Elibrary, Cyberleninka. The data on secosteroid epidemiology, synthesis, metabolism, physiological effects, local effects on immune function and specific symptoms in various somatic disorders are systemized. Conclusion. Epidemiological and genetic studies confirm biological effects of vitamin D active metabolites involved in synthesis of proteins required to form oral mucosal stability and prevent pathogen penetration into subjacent tissues. The most significant is involvement of vitamin D in synthesis of antibacterial monocyte and macrophage-directed peptides ensuring reduction of risks of alveolar resorption and subsequent tooth loss. Modern concepts in this secosteroid refer to the new evidence showing availability of vitamin D activating ferment in tissues which supports intracellular or paracrine function of vitamin D out of the skeleton. The personified approach for vitamin D application as a therapeutic drug for treatment of periodontium inflammations and oral mucosa with preliminary testing of levels in blood serum will allow to develop effective approaches to maintaining people’s oral health.

vitamin D level, periodontal disease, oral health, vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D insufficiency

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