Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. More than 70% of patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis are of working age. Chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis is detected in 10% of the total number of patients admitted to the maxillofacial hospital. In more than 20% of cases, relapses of diseases after osteonecrsequestrectomy are noted. Objective. To analyze the results of treatment of patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw to identify predisposing factors to the development of relapses after osteonecrosequestrectomy. Methodology. The analysis of medical records of 30 patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw, whose complex treatment included radical osteonecrosequestrectomy, was carried out. Re-sults. The average duration of inpatient treatment was 8.2±1.97 days, and patients with a bur-dened somatic history were treated 1.7 times longer. The most common cause of the disease (70%) was an inflammatory process localized in the area of the 3rd molar. Microbiological monitoring of the wound discharge after radical osteonecrsequestrectomy showed that the most common causative agent (70%) of cases was Staphylococcus aureus. At the same time, 60% of patients have a mixed microflora. This group of patients had the highest duration of inpatient treatment up to 16 days. The presence of a focus of chronic infection has not only a local (soreness, hyperemia, edema), but also a systemic effect on the body, which is reflected in the change in blood parameters. Conclusion. The residual microflora is a phlogogenic factor of local inflammation, acting as a trigger for primary alteration, stimulating the release of inflammatory mediators.

osteomyelitis of the lower jaw, osteonecrosis, osteonecrsequestrectomy, microbiological landscape, bacteriological study inflammatory changes, lower jaw, odontogenic diseases

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