Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. Despite the data on the polyetiology of gum recession, the role of some factors in its formation remains unknown, which does not allow to adequately develop methods for the prevention of this disease. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bruxism on the formation of gingival margin recession. Methodology. The study was based on data, obtained during the examination of 65 patients aged 20 to 40 years with a of bruxism, established by a neurologist. The control group consisted of 65 conditionally healthy patients of the same age without neurological pathology and with intact periodontal disease. The study excluded individuals with other etiological factors that can lead to gingival recession. Result. According to the results of the study, a 1 year later, the occurrence of gingival recession was determined in 44.7 % of cases, after 2 years, the number of recessions was determined in 64.7 %, and after 36 months in 77 % of cases. At the same time, the periodontal condition in relation to the formation of recessions remained unchanged in the patients of the comparison group. In all cases, recession was determined by the oral surface of the lower incisors, in 80 % of patients, on the vestibular surface of the canines and bicuspid of both jaws. Conclusions: In patients with bruxism, there is a gradual formation of gingival recession with a predominant localization in the area of the oral surface of the incisors in the lower jaw, and on the vestibular surface of the canines and the buccal surface of the bicuspid.
dentistry, oral diseases, periodontal disease, gingival recession, bruxism
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