Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Analysis of the literature confirms that there is a definite relationship between surface microstructure, implant geometry, thread design and primary stability, and osseointegration processes. To date, a sufficient number of works on direct and delayed implantation have accumulated. However, there is not enough convincing clinical data on the quantitative assessment of primary stability at different periods of the osseointegration process. Despite the existence of experimental and clinical observations, it seems impossible to make a definite judgment about the mechanism of such a relationship. This chapter presents clinical studies of the stability and osseointegration of dental implants when performing, according to the indications, in 414 patients of direct and delayed implantation using implant systems with different surface microstructures. Goal. Conduct clinical studies of quantitative indicators of stability and osseointegration of implants with different microstructure of the surface during direct and delayed implantation. Methodology. For the clinical study of primary stability and the process of osseointegration during direct and delayed implantation with immediate functional loading, implant systems with different surface microstructures were used: Alfa Bio, Mis, Astra-Tech, Dentium, Ostem, Antogher, and also Humana Dental with an innovative surface. Osseointegrated implants have been used to achieve a predictable treatment outcome in clinical cases with partial or complete adentia, as well as in the presence of single, included defects. Results. There were no significant differences in stability indicators at the time of implant placement in the alveolar bone, depending on the type of implant and the method of implantation. Conclusions. In the process of integration of the implant into the bone tissue at a later date, the indicators of stability and osseointegration improve. The relationship between the appearance of the implant surface, primary stability and the time of its adaptation was revealed.

frequency resonance analysis, damping, stability, osseointegration, fixation, implants, periotestometry, immediate implantation , dentistry, clinical study

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