Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Thing. The statistical parameters used in the study and determination of indicators obtained during the dental study of workers of two industrial organizations are considered. The goal is to evaluate the methods of statistical analysis used in the interpretation of indicators obtained during a dental study of employees of two industrial organizations. Methodology. A comprehensive dental examination and a sociological survey of 370 employees of the SEZ “Alabuga” and 297 employees of JSC “Chemical Plant named after L.Ya. Karpova "(Mendeleevsk). Statistical data collection, processing and analysis of the results were recorded on a personal computer in the spreadsheet environment of Microsoft Office Excel 2016. Statistical linear regression analysis of the data and interpretation of the results were performed using IBM computer software and SPSS software package (PASW Statistics 20). Results. The materials presented in the article are based on the analysis and study of various methods of parametric and nonparametric statistical analysis. Moreover, the use of the discriminant analysis module of the STATISTICA system contains a large set of manipulations to perform multiple functional analysis, including the module of factor and cluster analysis. To analyze qualitative data, change frequencies, determine the significance of differences of one attribute from another, the chi-square criterion was used. Comparison of empirical (actual) and expected (theoretical) results was carried out using the agreement criterion (Pearson), the absence or presence of statistically significant differences ― using the value of the exact Fisher test, the presence or absence of a specific factor in a particular group ― using a statistical indicator of the odds ratio and confidence interval. Conclusions. Thus, the data obtained make it possible to assess the degree of damage to hard tissues of teeth and periodontal tissues, and the effectiveness of dental care. The use of various statistical methods in the analysis of dental research data contributes to the modernization of the organization of dental care.
dentistry, statistical parameters, clinical trials, medical statistics, data collection
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