Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Cherkessk, Cherkessk, Russian Federation
Cherkessk, Cherkessk, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol', Stavropol, Russian Federation
Subject. The article presents the data of a comparative analysis of the traditional method of treating chronic generalized periodontitis of mild to moderate severity and with the use of periodontal dressings in combination with an antibacterial photodynamic system. The goal is to study the effectiveness of the methodology of complex therapy for the treatment of periodontal diseases using periodontal dressings and antibacterial photodynamic therapy. Methodology. We observed 120 patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases aged 18 to 55 years (men ― 52, women ― 68), who were divided into the control and main groups. In the control group, treatment was carried out according to the traditional scheme of drug therapy, in the main ― according to the method of complex therapy. The treatment regimen according to this technique included the use of periodontal dressings and an antibacterial photodynamic therapy system: photosynthesis was applied to the affected area of the periodontal pocket, after which the pathogenic microorganisms were stained for 1-3 minutes, then the liquid was thoroughly washed from the periodontal pockets and the laser affected the affected area for 60 seconds. Results. The proposed treatment regimen using an antibacterial photodynamic system in combination with periodontal dressings allows to achieve a pronounced and prolonged anti-inflammatory effect in periodontal tissues without local and systemic use of antibiotics, reduces treatment time for mild periodontitis by 29, average ― by 57 %, reduces the likelihood recurrence, lengthens the duration of remission. Findings. The use of complex treatment of periodontitis of mild to moderate severity allows the method to accelerate the restoration of periodontal tissues, relieve inflammation, saturate the tissues with oxygen, reduce the rate of relapse by 2.6 times and reduce the duration of relapse of this disease within 24 months. Our data allow us to implement this treatment regimen in practical healthcare.
chronic generalized periodontitis, periodontal dressing, bleeding gums, oral mucosa, pain
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