Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Subject. The dental health of children with disabilities is the subject of close scrutiny by dentists. Data on the prevalence and intensity of dental pathology make it possible to develop effective personalized programs for the prevention of dental diseases taking into account somatic pathology. The introduction of personalized prevention programs contributes to the reduction of dental morbidity and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities. The goal is to determine the hallmarks of the state of hard tissues of teeth in children with sensory deprivation of vision and conditionally healthy children. Methodology. A clinical dental examination of 365 children aged 5―18 years living in the city of Krasnoyarsk was conducted. The main (study group) was 185 children with sensory deprivation of vision, the comparison group ― 180 conditionally healthy children. We studied the prevalence of dental caries, including taking into account the degree of activity of its course, and its intensity (CP, CP + CPU, CPU). Results. The prevalence rate of dental caries was at a fairly high level: in the comparison group ― 75.55 %, in the study group ― 82.70. In children with sensory deprivation of vision (in the study group), subcompensated and decompensated forms of the degree of activity of dental caries were observed. In the comparison group (in conditionally healthy children), the course of the carious process was evaluated as compensated. The most unfavorable situation regarding the degree of activity of dental caries in children with sensory deprivation of vision was observed at the age of 12 to 18 years. Findings. In children 5―18 years old with sensory deprivation of vision, the high prevalence and intensity of dental caries are combined with an insufficient level of dental care compared with a group of conditionally healthy children of this age period.
children with visual sensory deprivation, epidemiological survey, dental morbidity, children, intensity and prevalence of dental caries
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