Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Subject. Oral fluid plays a crucial role in maintaining the physiological balance of the processes of remineralization and demineralization in tooth enamel, especially in childhood. The mineralization and demineralization of tooth enamel depend on the mineralizing potential of the oral fluid, which is associated with the concentration of calcium ions and phosphate ions in the oral fluid at a certain pH of the medium. Today, the description of the morphology of crystals is reduced mainly to a qualitative assessment. This is inconvenient due to subjectivity in data processing. The goal is to increase the accuracy and objectivity of diagnosing the level of mineralizing potential of the oral fluid by quantifying the type of saliva microcrystallization and expand the ability to diagnose the risk of developing and exacerbating the degree of activity of the carious process in a pediatric dentistry clinic. Methodology. The research material was human saliva, which was taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, before brushing your teeth in a sterile test tube with a tight-fitting lid. Results. The results of the studies revealed statistically significant differences in the periodicity parameters with respect to type III saliva microcrystallization (p <0.001), in which the mineralizing potential of the oral fluid is less favorable for the optimal level of ion exchange between the oral fluid and the tooth enamel surface during the maturation period of the child’s dental hard tissues. Suggested technique determining a periodicity parameter characterizing the quantitative difference in the types of saliva microcrystallization can be used To assess the level of mineralizing potential oral fluid. Conclusions. The study allows to increase the accuracy and objectivity of diagnosing the level of mineralizing potential of the oral fluid by quantifying the type of microcrystallization of saliva and expands the possibility of diagnosing the risk of developing and exacerbating the degree of activity of the carious process in the clinic of pediatric dentistry.
children, activity of the carious process, clinical and laboratory parameters, saliva microcrystallization, mineralizing potential of the oral fluid
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