Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Subject. Gingival recession refers to a form of periodontal disease, which is characterized by a decrease in the free gum without signs of chronic inflammation in the apical direction of the gum and periodontal tissues. The goal is to determine the clinical and radiological features of periodontal tissues in patients with gum recession. Methodology. A comprehensive diagnostic examination was conducted according to a specially developed algorithm of 47 patients aged 20 to 45 years old with a diagnosis of gum recession, which included the collection of anamnestic data, special questionnaires, clinical, radiological and ultrasound examinations of periodontal tissues. Results. According to clinical and radiological data, the diagnosis of gum recession was confirmed in all patients: in 31 (62 %) ― Miller's class I gum recession, in 11 (25 %) ― II, in 5 (11 %) ― III and in 1 (2 %) ― IV. The dependence of the gum recession on the quality of oral hygiene was determined: with satisfactory oral hygiene (OHI-S <2.6), the depth of the gum recession was 1-1.5 mm, with poor (OHI-S> 2.6) ― more than 1,5 mm. In 14 (42.8 %) patients, a concomitant diagnosis of chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis was established, in 57.2 % of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. Of the total number of patients, a thin biotype was determined in 30 (63.8 %) patients, and a thick biotype was identified in 17 (36.2 %). A combination of a thin biotype with a small vestibule of the oral cavity, the presence of anomalies of the frenum and strands of the mucous membrane in 23.4 % was revealed. Conclusions. Miller class I gingival recessions have the highest frequency of occurrence (62 %). The ultrasonic research method allowed non-invasive determination of the gingival biotype and gum thickness. A thin biotype of the gum was diagnosed in 63.8 % of patients, which must be taken into account when planning surgical treatment.
gum recession, gum biotype classification, etiology, diagnostic, surgical methods of treatment, diagnosis of gum recession, ultrasound diagnostic method
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