Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. Tooth decay is still among the most common diseases. Determination of risk factors, their quantitative characteristics allow individualizing preventive measures depending on the socio-medical, climatic and other conditions of a particular region. A literature review is devoted to the actual problem of dentistry - factors affecting the development of dental caries and periodontal diseases. The purpose of the study is to analyze literature to study the factors affecting the state of the dental status of the population of Russia. Methodology. A review of literature sources was carried out and factors affecting the status of dental status were analyzed. Results. Risk factors affecting the degree of caries resistance of tooth hard tissues and determining their stability were divided into: providing local anti-carious protection of the teeth; creating an indirect general anti-carious protection of the teeth at the level of the human body as a whole; increasing the degree of risk in the development and course of diseases and/or reducing the degree of protective properties of hard tissues of the tooth; indirectly, through external systems in relation to a given organism as a system, ensuring the likelihood of developing a caries morbidity. Conclusions. Determination of risk factors, their quantitative characteristics allows individualizing preventive measures depending on a set of factors. Literature data confirm that timely visits to the dentist for preventive purposes, the implementation of the doctor’s recommendations for individual preventive measures, reducing the frequency of food intake, which include refined and “sticky” sugar-containing components, balancing the diet will help maintain dental health.
dental caries, periodontal disease, risk factors, prevention, dental status
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