Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2018 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Object. The article presents an assessment of the effect of smoking on factors of non-specific resistance of oral mucosa by the reaction of adsorption of microorganisms by epithelial cells. Purpose. is to detect and evaluate changes in non-specific oral mucosa resistance in smoking patients. Methodology. A clinical examination of the oral cavity 120 volunteers (58 women and 62 men) aged 18 to 44 years (average age: 22, 50 ± 2.59) was conducted. Three groups 2 participants have been formed: the main group (75 people) ― smokers and the comparison group (45 people) - non-smoking volunteers. The material taken twice: in smokers - before and 15 minutes after smoking, in non-smokers (for reliability) ― initially and after 15 minutes. A sterile instrument used to cut epithelium off the mucosa portion of the inner surface of the cheek, transfer it to a slide, dry, stain and microscopy the preparations. The integrity of the epithelial cell structure, their size, the intensity of the core staining and the cytoplasm evaluated. Depending on the number of microorganisms adsorbed on their surface, the viewed epithelial cells divided into 4 categories. Results. A change in the adsorption response of microorganisms by epithelial cells indicates a negative influence of tobacco on the oral mucosa. Conclusions. Smoking negatively affects the state of local immunity ― non-specific resistance of oral mucosa. Changes in the adsorption response of microorganisms by oral mucosa epithelial cells can be used in the diagnosis and prevention of diseases of oral organs arising from smoking.
adsorption reaction, microorganisms, epithelial cells, smoking, nonspecific resistance
1. Basargina, A. D., Smirnov, M. V., Karaseva, V. V., Elovikova, T. M. (2017). Vliyaniye otechestvennogo opolaskivatelya na sostoyaniye rotovoy zhidkosti i slizistoy obolochki polosti rta u patsiyentki s rakom yazyka na etape posleoperatsionnoy luchevoy terapii [The influence of domestic rinse on the state of the oral fluid and oral mucosa in a patient with cancer of the tongue at the stage of postoperative radiation therapy]. Akt. voprosy sovrem. med. nauki i zdravookhr : mat. II Mezhdun. (72 Vseros.) nauch.-praktich. konf. molodykh uchenykh i studentov, II Vseros. foruma med. i farmatsevticheskikh vuzov «Za kachestvennoye obrazovaniye» [Actual issues of modern medical science and healthcare : materials of the II International (72 All-Russian) scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students, II All-Russian forum of medical and pharmaceutical universities "For quality education"], 37-43. (In Russ.)
2. Elovikova, T. M., Grigoryev, S. S. (2018). Sialologiya v terapevticheskoy stomatologii [Sialology in therapeutic dentistry]. Ekaterinburg, 192. (In Russ.)
3. Elovikova, T. M., Grigoryev, S. S. (2018). Slyuna kak biologicheskaya zhidkost' i yeye rol' v zdorov'ye polosti rta [Saliva as a biological fluid and its role in oral health]. Ekaterinburg, 136. (In Russ.)
4. Elovikova, T. M., Grigoryev, S. S., ed. Mandra, Yu. V. (2019). Sialologiya v terapevticheskoy stomatologii [Sialology in therapeutic dentistry]. Mat. mezhd. kongr.«Stomatologiya Bol'shogo Urala» : sb. nauch. statey [Materials of the International Congress "Dentistry of the Great Urals" : collection of scientific articles]. Yekaterinburg : TIRAZH, 52-53. (In Russ.)
5. Elovikova, T. M., Ermishina, E. Yu., Koscheev, A. S. (2019). Analiz vozdeystviya lechebno-profilakticheskoy zubnoy pasty, soderzhashchey bikarbonat i ftorid natriya, na sostoyaniye organov polosti rta pri vospalitel'nykh zabolevaniyakh parodonta u molodykh patsiyentov (kliniko-laboratornoye issledovaniye) [Analysis of the effect of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate and sodium fluoride on the state of the oral organs in inflammatory periodontal diseases in young patients (clinical laboratory study)]. Parodontologiya [Periodontology], 24, 1-24 (90), 45-51. (In Russ.)
6. Elovikova, T. M., Ermishina, E. Yu., Uvarova, L. V., Koscheev, A. S. (2019). Resheniye problemy povyshennoy chuvstvitel'nosti dentina: mekhanizmy remineralizatsii pri kursovom ispol'zovanii zubnoy pasty s ftoridom olova [Solving the problem of dentin hypersensitivity: remineralization mechanisms during the course use of toothpaste with tin fluoride]. Stomatologiya [Dentistry], 98, 5, 66-71. (In Russ.)
7. Elovikova, T. M., Karaseva, V. V., Molvinsky, V. S., Skurikhina, Ya. S., Koscheev, A. S. (2019). Modelirovaniye metoda ekspress-diagnostiki negativnogo vliyaniya kureniya kak upravlyayemogo protsessa v praktike vracha stomatologa [Modeling the method of rapid diagnosis of the negative impact of smoking as a controlled process in the practice of a dentist]. Problemy stomatologii [Actual problems in dentistry], 4, 44-49. (In Russ.)
8. Elovikova, T. M., Karaseva, V. V., Lekomtseva, M. A., Ulybin, M. R., ed. Mandra, Yu. V. (2019). Izmeneniye parametrov smeshannoy slyuny u patsiyentki c khronicheskim generalizovannym parodontitom i slozhnoy chelyustno-litsevoy patologiyey na etape provedeniya professional'noy gigiyeny polosti rta [Changing the parameters of mixed saliva in a patient with chronic generalized periodontitis and complex maxillofacial pathology at the stage of professional oral hygiene]. Mat. mezhd. kongr. «Stomatologiya Bol'shogo Urala» : sb. nauch. statey [Mat. of the International Congress "Dentistry of the Great Urals" : collection of scientific articles], Yekaterinburg : TIRAZH, 42-46. (In Russ.)
9. Elovikova, T. M., Molvinsky, V. S., Lipatov, G. Ya. (2012). Tabakokureniye i stomatologicheskoye zdorov'ye sotrudnikov medeplavil'nogo zavoda [Tobacco and dental health of employees of the smelter]. Problemy stomatologii [Actual problems in dentistry], 5, 16-22. (In Russ.)
10. Elovikova, T. M., Molvinsky, V. S., Koshcheev, A. S., ed. Zheleznova, L. M. (2018). Kharakteristika morfologicheskoy kartiny smeshannoy slyuny u kuril'shchikov pri parodontite i intaktnom parodonte [Characterization of the morphological picture of mixed saliva in smokers with periodontitis and intact periodontium]. Sovremennyye dostizheniya stomatologii : sb. vseros. nauchno-prakt. konf. s mezhd. uchastiyem, «Kompleksnyy podkhod k lecheniyu patologii zubo-chelyustnoy sistemy» [Modern advances in dentistry : collection of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation, "An integrated approach to the treatment of pathology of the dentofacial system"], 50-52. (In Russ.)
11. Kalabina, A. S., Kiseleva, T. A., Molvinsky, V. S., Elovikova, T. M., Krasovskaya, N. S. (2016). Kharakteristika ne spetsificheskoy rezistentnosti slizistoy obolochki polosti rta u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom II tipa na gospital'nom etape [Characterization of non-specific resistance of the oral mucosa in patients with type II diabetes mellitus at the hospital stage]. IV Vseros. rabocheye soveshch. po problemam fundament. stomatologii [IV All-Russian Workshop on Fundamental Dentistry], 67-69. (In Russ.)
12. Karaseva, V. V., Lavrova, E. V., Chistyakov, A. D. (2019). Rezul'taty monitoringa mneniya obuchayushchikhsya starshikh klassov po voprosam kureniya [Results of monitoring the opinions of high school students on smoking]. Universum: Psikhologiya i obrazovaniye [Universum: Psychology and Education], 7 (61). URL : http://7universum.com/ru/psy/archive/item /7617 (accessed: 10/07/2019) (In Russ.)
13. Karaseva, V. V., Elovikova, T. M. (2017). Klinicheskiy opyt ispol'zovaniya otechestvennogo opolaskivatelya u patsiyentki s novoobrazovaniyem yazyka na etape posleoperatsionnoy luchevoy terapii [Clinical experience of using a domestic rinse in a patient with a neoplasm of the tongue at the stage of postoperative radiation therapy]. Dental'naya implantologiya i khirurgiya [Dental implantology and surgery], 4 (29), 18-22. (In Russ.)
14. Kozyrina, O. O., Kozyrin, E. A., Karaseva, V. V. (2019). Otsenka mneniya studentov stomatologicheskogo fakul'teta po voprosam o razlichnykh vidakh kureniya [Assessment of the opinion of students of the Faculty of Dentistry on issues of various types of smoking]. Sb. statey IV Mezhdunar. (74 Vseros.) nauch.-praktich. konf. «Akt. voprosy sovremennoy med. nauki i zdravookhraneniya» [Sat. Articles IV of the International (74 All-Russian.) Scientific and practical. conf. "Act. issues of modern honey. science and health care”], Ekaterinburg, 2, 1091-1096. (In Russ.)
15. Kostina, E. Yu., Elovikova, T. M., Belinskaya, E. V., Strokina, E. S., Molvinsky, V. S., ed. Mandra, Yu. V. (2019). Stomatologicheskiy status kuryashchikh patsiyentov [Dental status of smoking patients]. Mat. Mezhd. kongr. «Stomatologiya Bol'shogo Urala» : sb. nauch. statey [Materials of the International Congress "Dentistry of the Big Urals" : collection of scientific articles], Yekaterinburg : TIRAZH, 88-89. (In Russ.)
16. Martyusheva, I. A., Fedorova, E. A., Elovikova, T. M. (2018). Monitoring analiza zdorovogo obraza zhizni i stomatologicheskogo zdorov'ya studentov IV kursa stomat. Fakul'teta [Monitoring the analysis of healthy lifestyles and dental health of students of the fourth year of dentistry faculty]. Akt. voprosy sovr. med. nauki i zdravookhr : mat. III Mezhd. nauchno-praktich. konf. "Za kachestvennoye obrazovaniye" [Sat: Act. questions sovr. honey. science and health :mat. III Int. scientific and practical conf. "For quality education"], 184-188. (In Russ.)
17. Osipova, M. V., Orekhova, L. Yu., Belova, E. A. (2018). Epidemiologicheskiye pokazateli i model' razvitiya, profilaktiki i lecheniya vospalitel'nykh zabolevaniy parodonta u kuryashchego naseleniya [Epidemiological indicators and a model for the development, prevention and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases in the smoking population]. Problemy stomatologii [Actual problems in dentistry], 14, 4, 38-44. (In Russ.)
18. Molvinskih, V. S. Ocenka nespecificheskoy rezistentnosti slizistoy obolochki polosti rta rabochih medeplavil'nogo kombinata / V. S. Molvinskih, T. M. Elovikova, G. Ya. Lipatov // Medicina, farmaciya i obschestvennoe zdorov'e : sb. st. II Evraz. kongr. s mezhdunar. uch. posvyasch. 85-letiyu Ural'sk. med. universiteta. - 2015. - S. 96-97.
19. Strokina, E. S., Tantsyreva, S. N., Kostina, E. Yu., Elovikova, T. M. (2018). Otsenka nespetsificheskoy rezistentnosti polosti rta posle odnokratnogo vozdeystviya novoy protivovospalitel'noy zubnoy pasty [Evaluation of non-specific resistance of the oral cavity after a single exposure to a new anti-inflammatory toothpaste]. Akt. voprosy sovrem. med. nauki i zdravookhraneniya : mat. III Mezhd. nauchno-praktich. konf. molodykh uchenykh i studentov, III Foruma med. i farm. VUZov Rossii "Za kachestvennoye obrazovaniye" [Actual issues of modern medical science and healthcare : materials of the III International scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students, III Forum of medical and pharmaceutical universities of Russia "For quality education"], 317-321. (In Russ.)
20. Strokina, E. S., Elovikova, T. M., Kostina, E. Yu., ed. Mandra, Yu. V. (2019). Izmeneniya parametrov smeshannoy slyuny u kuril'shchikov posle primeneniya novoy vosstanavlivayushchey emal' gelevoy zubnoy pasty [Changes in the parameters of mixed saliva in smokers after applying a new enamel regenerating gel toothpaste]. Mat. Mezhd. kongr. «Stomatologiya Bol'shogo Urala» : sb. nauch. statey [Mat. of the International Congress "Dentistry of the Great Urals" : collection of scientific articles], Yekaterinburg : TIRAZH, 125-127. (In Russ.)
21. Elovikova, T., Karaseva, V., Ermishina, E., Shimova, M., Skurihina, Ya. (2019). [The expiriens resulting from the perfomance of professionsl oral cavity hygiene in patient whith a chronic periodontitis in combination whith a medication-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw]. Problemy stomatologii [Actual problems in dentistry], 15, 3, 28-33. (In Russ.)
22. Bezerra Ferreira, J. D., Rodrigues, J. A., Piattelli, A., Iezzi, G., Gehrke, S. A., Shibli, J. A. (2016). The effect of cigarette smoking on early osseointegration of dental implants: a prospective controlled study. Clin Oral Implants Res, 27 (9), 1123-1128.
23. Bilano, V., Gilmour, S., Moffiet, T. et al. (2015). Global trends and projections for tobacco use, 1990-2025: an analysis of smoking indicators from the WHO Comprehensive Information System for Tobacco Control. Lancet, 385 (9972), 966-976. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60264-1
24. Jessica, L., Barrington-Trimis, J. L., Urman, R. et al. (2016). E-cigarettes, cigarettes, and the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use. Pediatrics, 138 (2), e20153983. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2015-3983
25. Moraschini, V. (2016). Success of dental implants in smokers and non-smokers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 45 (2), 205-215.
26. (2018). WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2000-2025. Second edition. Geneva : World Health Organization, 122.
27. Molvinsky, V. S., Elovikova, T. M., Lipatov, G. Ya. (2015). Otsenka nespetsificheskoy rezistentnosti slizistoy obolochki polosti rta rabochikh medeplavil'nogo kombinata [Evaluation of nonspecific resistance of the oral mucosa of workers of a smelter]. Meditsina, farmatsiya i obshchestvennoye zdorov'ye : sb. st. II Yevraz. kongr. s mezhdunar. uch. posvyashch. 85-letiyu Ural'sk. med. universiteta [Medicine, Pharmacy and Public Health : collection of articles of the Second Eurasian Congress with international participation, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Ural Medical University], 96-97. (In Russ.)