Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. The problem of fissure caries remains one of the key in modern cariesology. For individual prevention, the most effective is the method of sealing fissures and fossae of the surface of the teeth. By sealing (sealing) fissures, the creation of a physical barrier for cariogenic factors and microbial plaque, remineralization of hard tooth tissues is achieved. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of fissure sealing in 9-year-old children living in Kazan. Methodology. The study was conducted using the clinical method and statistical analysis of the data. In total, 137 children aged 9 years old, studying in the third grades of the gymnasium No. 102 of Kazan, took part in it. The main group included 82 schoolchildren who performed non-invasive fissure sealing (the first permanent molars) with UltraSeal XT plus sealant, the comparison group consisted of 55 students who did not have fissure sealing. Results. After 12 months, out of 165 teeth previously coated with sealant, sealant on 95 teeth was completely preserved (57.6 % of cases), sealant fell out or partially retained (tooth is intact) in 36.4 %, fissure caries at the place of sealant was detected in 6.1 % The effectiveness of fissure sealing, which consists in maintaining a healthy masticatory surface of hard tooth tissues, after 12 months of follow-up was 91.9 % with a reduction of caries of 76.7 %. A comparison of the data clearly showed that the condition of the first molars, which was used to seal the fissures, allows us to talk about the preservation of intact fissures in 88 % of cases, while 56 % of unsealed molars are prone to caries of fissures and only 44 % remain intact after a year. Conclusions. A clinical study confirms that sealing fissures is a reliable and reasonable method for the prevention of fissure caries.
children, dental caries, prevention, fissure sealing, effectiveness
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