Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. The results of a clinical examination of workers of the special economic zone "Alabuga" of the Republic of Tatarstan and JSC "Chemical Plant named after L.Ya. Karpova ”(Mendeleevsk), including a comparative analysis of data on the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases. The goal is a comparative assessment of the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases among workers in the Alabuga Special Economic Zone of the Republic of Tatarstan and JSC "Chemical Plant named after L.Ya. Karpova"(Mendeleevsk). Methodology. Dental status was evaluated using WHO methods and criteria. The clinical study was conducted through a comprehensive dental examination of 370 employees of the special economic zone “Alabuga” of the Republic of Tatarstan (the main group) and 297 employees of JSC “Chemical Plant named after L.Ya. Karpova ”(Mendeleevsk) (comparison group). Results. According to the results of our clinical diagnostic examination of the oral cavity in the main group and the comparison group of workers of industrial enterprises, certain differences were revealed. In the main group, an intact periodontium without signs and with signs of inflammatory periodontal lesions was diagnosed in 39.2 and 60.8 % of cases, in the comparison group — in 53.2 and 46.8 %, respectively. An analysis of the hygiene index in the main group showed that 62.4 % of the subjects showed poor oral hygiene, 19.7 % had poor hygiene, and in the comparison group 32.3 and 3.03 %, respectively. Conclusions. Thus, the data obtained justify the need and relevance of the proposal and the introduction of organizational principles for providing industrial workers with high-quality dental care. It is necessary to reform the dental service in order to increase priority, quality and preventive orientation when servicing workers directly at the factory.
health, industry, prevalence, parodontal diseases, comparative analysis
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