Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Cheboksary, Cheboksary, Russian Federation
Cheboksary, Cheboksary, Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
GRNTI 76.75 Социальная гигиена. Организация и управление здравоохранением
OKSO 31.02.05 Стоматология ортопедическая
OKSO 31.08.31 Гериатрия
OKSO 31.08.75 Стоматология ортопедическая
OKSO 31.05.03 Стоматология
BBK 511 Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения
BBK 566 Стоматология
BISAC MED016090 Dentistry / Practice Management
BISAC MED016070 Dentistry / Prosthodontics
Subject. This article provides a brief description of socially significant factors affecting the quality of life of elderly and senile patients who applied for dental care in the orthopedic profile at the municipal health care institution of the dental profile in Cheboksary. The criteria for assessing the quality of life and the laws of their manifestation in elderly patients of different social groups are listed. A quantitative and structural analysis of orthopedic structures used in the process of orthopedic dental treatment of the examined group of patients is given. One of the priority areas of modern scientific and practical dentistry is the study of the quality of life of patients with a dental profile. The quality of life of elderly and senile patients with a dental profile has not been adequately studied, while the study of this problem may underlie many problems of organizing dental care for this population group, which determined the purpose of this publication. Methodology. The study of the quality of life features of this group of patients was carried out in the form of a classic observational longitudinal prospective study with a double survey of respondents. As an optimal tool for studying the quality of life of patients with a dental profile, an alternative version of the specialized questionnaire “The degree of importance of dental health, 14” was chosen. Results. The analysis revealed patterns between the social affiliation of patients, the choice of the orthopedic design used as a denture, and the quality of life of the examined group of patients. Conclusions. The study revealed that older people who continue to work, live in families, have an average and high level of average monthly income, lead an active lifestyle, initially had higher quality of life than people who do not work, with a low income, lonely and forced to lead a passive lifestyle.
dentistry, gerontology, sociology, quality of life, elderly and senile dental patients
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