Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Subject. The state of the stomatognathic system in patients who used removable implant-retained overdentures for a period more than 4 years was analyzed by evaluating the bioelectrical activity of temporal and masticatory muscles. Objectives ― to analyze the influence of long-term usage of removable implant-retained overdentures on the dynamic parameters of the stomatognathic system by evaluating the bioelectrical activity of temporal and masticatory muscles. Methods. Clinical studies of bioelectrical activity and symmetry of the temporal and masticatory muscles using surface electromyography were carried out. Electromyography was carried out in five probes: physiological rest, occlusion, natural swallowing, clench and clench on rolls. Results. It was revealed that in a state of physiological rest and occlusion, the absolute electromyography indicators were elevated. During natural swallowing, the bioelectric activity of the muscles in patients who used removable implant-retained overdentures was characterized as reduced. During clenching and clenching on rolls, the indicators were at the level of the lower limit of the norm. It was also found that the symmetry of the temporal and masticatory muscles was below the normal level. Conclusions. The obtained data is a sign of the modified dynamic state of the stomatognathic system in patients who used removable implant-retained overdentures. In addition to changes of the bioelectric activity of the muscles, a significant violation of the symmetry of the muscles has been revealed.
electromyography, bioelectrical activity of muscles, symmetry of muscles, implants, removable implant-retained overdenture
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