Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. The article examines the results of the sociological survey and questionnaire of employees of the special economic zone "Alabuga" of the Republic of Tatarstan, including the analysis of data on the organization, quality and availability of dental care at work. Purpose of the research is to determine the satisfaction level of the industrial enterprise`s employees with the quality of dental care. Material and methods. Such methods as sociological survey, questionnaire, statistical analysis of the data are used in accordance with the aim and objectives of this study. The sampling included 370 questionnaires consisting of 13 general questions characterizing the social status, awareness of the quality of dental care, as well as their need for various types of dental services. Results. According to the results of the the survey, it has been found out that 63.0% of the company`s employees sought dental treatment if necessary, 23.5 and 13.5 % of those interviewed accordingly underwent dental examination 1 or 2 times a year, the need to consult a dentist was revealed in 49.9 % respondents. Unsatisfactory conditions of the fundamental substance of the teeth and the level of hygiene of the oral cavity were reported by 31.6 % and 25.4 % of the respondents correspondingly, the satisfactory conditions were reported by 4.3% and 17.8 % of the employees, 14.6 % of respondents were undecided on the issue of assessing the condition of the teeth and gums. The questionnaire survey showed the absence of information concerning individual treatment plans and prevention methods (28.1 %), 71.6 % of the respondents indicated the presence of knowledge about the guaranteed dental care by the compulsory health insurance, as 28.4 % of the respondents reported the lack of knowledge. The study revealed a large percentage of respondents in need of a consultation by a dentist. Subjective assessments of dental health were characterized by a high proportion of uncertain responses, which may explain the low level of survey`s data of respondents. Summary. The conducted sociological survey allowed to determine the directions of improvement of dental care among the employees of the special economic zone "Alabuga" of the Republic of Tatarstan.
health, industry, dental care, morbidity, sociological analysis, questionnaires
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