Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
Background. The study of the features of the course and the general links of pathogenesis in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) with comorbid pathology is one of the priorities of modern medicine. Objectives ― to assess and analyze the level of apoptosis marker annexin A5 and the value of dental indices in patients with CGP of varying severity without General somatic pathology and against the background of bronchiectatic disease Methods. The study involved 90 patients with present study included varying degrees (light, medium, heavy), which were divided into two groups: patients with no somatic pathology (n=40) and patients with comorbid pathology in the form of bronchoectatic disease (n=50). Somatically healthy individuals with intact periodontal disease (n=40) were examined as a control group. The values of dental indices – PMA, PI, Muhlemann and OHI-s. The level of annexin A5 was determined in the oral fluid by enzyme immunoassay. Results. In patients with CGP revealed a statistically significant higher value of the level of annexin A5 compared with somatically healthy individuals with intact periodontal and statistically significantly higher in patients with more severe periodontitis. At the same time, in patients with comorbid pathology, the level of annexin A5 in patients with CGP with bronchoectatic disease with mild, average and heavy degree of periodontitis is statistically significantly higher than in patients with CGP without somatic pathology. The revealed relationships between the value of dental indices and the level of annexin A5 indicate the influence of the studied marker of apoptosis on the state of periodontal tissues. Moreover, the patients with comorbidity the power value of the identified links more than the present study included patients with no somatic pathology. Conclusion. The obtained data show the influence on the currents present study included the presence of comorbid pathology in the form of bronchoectatic disease and presence of common mutually aggravating link of pathogenesis of apoptosis and the opportunity to use annexin A5 as predictive marker of progression, as the present study included patients with no somatic pathology and in the background bronchoectatic disease.
chronic generalized periodontitis, bronchoectatic disease, comorbidity, dental indices, apoptosis, annexin A5
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