Krasnodar, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Relevance of the research topic. The oral cavity is one of the most diverse microbiomes in the human body, which is divided into several biotopes: oral mucosa, dental plaque, gingival fluid and gingival sulcus zone and others. The biotope of the gingival sulcus is unique in that quantitative and qualitative changes in the microbial communities of this microecological system can lead to the development of the main dental diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis and caries. The scientific literature on the etiology of these diseases determines the microbial landscape of the gingival sulcus as the dominant causative factor. A significant influence on the microflora of periodontal tissues is exerted by various stressors of a modern person. Purpose ― to study the influence of emotional stress on the microbal landscape of the gingival furrow, which is in a state of eubiosis and dysbiosis. Materials and methods. The study involved 67 aged by 35―44 years. A microbiological study was made of the general microbial contamination of the gingival furrow and its colonization by individual microbal species using aerobic and anaerobic cultivation methods. Results. In the state of relative dormancy, 100 % of people without gum disease were found to have an eubiotic condition of the gingival microbal, 100 % of persons with periodontis - the microbal of the gingival groove were in a state of dysbiosis. Summary. The influence of the stressor on the disorder of the balance of the microbial homeostasis of the dental gingival slit causes an increase in the imbalance of microbial associations in the form of a decrease in the comensal microflora and an increase in the opportunistic pathogenicity.
microbal landscape, emotional stress, periodontis, dysbiosis, eubiosis
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