Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1992 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Sevastopol', Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Subject. Removable orthopedic dentures able to have a negative effect on oral cavity homeostasis. Removable partial dentures bases directly situated on soft tissues which cover toothless alveolar part and partly hard palate. Dentures bases has a direct action on mucosa, causing abnormal changes from exudation to chronic inflammation. The work reviewed morphology structure changes of the prosthesis bed mucosa under mechanical action of removable orthopedic dentures construction. Further benchmark analysis of mucosa structure feature after low balneotheraphy with "Fateevskaya" mineral water. (well number 6, Fateevskoye village, Kirovo-Chepetsky District, Kirov region). Objective ― make benchmarking study of oral mucosa structure features when exposed to balneology factors. Methods. For this purpose, bioptates from 45 patients of prosthetic dentistry clinic have been investigated. 40 patients using removable dentures no more than 4 years was devided 2 groups of 20 people. One of them is group recived the threatment with low balneotheraphy. 5 patients not used removable dentures. As a result 25 patients out of the total included in the clinical control group without balneology procedures. The medicines were subject to histological inspection. Results. Data evaluation: The findings of morphometric parameters testified about prosthetic bed mucosa changes, wich characteristic for chronic inflammatory gingival enlargement. Noted, using of mineral water improves histogenesis of oral mucosa and increases epithelization rate. Conclusions. Thu, positive effects of balneology factors in violation of the morphological structure of the mucosa were established. Based on the results obtained the patent for an invention RU 2015 114 198 A «Treatment modality of oral mucosa traumatic lesions».
prosthetic bed mucosa, biopsy, morphometry, mineral water
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