Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Background. This scientific article shows the results of the use of removable orthodontic appliances in children with distal bite and a violation of nasal breathing. Distal bite is the most common anomaly of the dental system today. The most favorable period for the correction of the distal bite is an early interchangeable bite. The prevalence of distal occlusion increases with increasing patient age. There are a large number of orthodontic appliances for the treatment of distal bite. However, the question of the relationship between the effectiveness of the orthodontic apparatus and the severity of the distal occlusion remains relevant. Objectives ― to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of the use of removable orthodontic appliances in the treatment of distal occlusion in children 7 years old with a violation of nasal breathing. Methods. On orthodontic treatment were patients with a sagittal gap from 0 to 8 mm. A comparative description of the use of removable laminar devices, removable double-jaw apparatus Myobrace and functional trainers T4K was carried out. The examination included a clinical examination, an analysis of control and diagnostic models of the jaws, and an analysis of lateral projection of X-ray diffraction patterns. Results. In the treatment of distal occlusion, the sagittal slit is corrected. For the correction of the sagittal slit 0―2 mm, the use of removable plate apparatus with an inclined plane is most effective. The best dynamics of the correction of the sagittal slit 3―5 mm occurred in patients using the functional train Myobreis. The sagittal slit 6―8 mm is corrected in two stages using the T4K trainer. Conclusion. It was noted that in patients with distal occlusion, the effectiveness of the use of orthodontic appliances depends on the size of the sagittal slit before the start of treatment.
distal occlusion, removable plate apparat, myofunctional treiner T4K changing dentition, orthodontic treatment
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