Tula, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2003 to 01.01.2019
Tver', Russian Federation
Tver', Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
Background. Joint pain is often associated not only with disc displacement but also due to the level of inflammatory mediators in the synovial fluid. Injections of platelet growth factor not only expand the joint cavity, performing a purely mechanical function but also create a high concentration of growth factor in the synovial fluid, which favorably affects the cartilage tissue, joint capsule, ligamentous apparatus. Objectives ― to study the effectiveness of platelet growth factor in the complex treatment of patients with TMJ malfunctions. Methods. A clinical examination of two groups of patients (50 people) aged 18 to 67 years with a malfunctions of TMJ was conducted. Were used in all patients in the complex: splint therapy, myogymnastics, and manual traction drive. For the first group (25 people), concentrated growth factor in the liquid phase (PRP) was used in the treatment. For the second group (PRP) was not used. The patients were divided into two groups randomly. Results. The results of the study were carried out according to the following criteria: pain in TMJ with a maximum opening of the mouth, protrusion, laterotruzii, sound phenomena in TMJ, myofascial pain (palpation), the presence of deviation/deflection of the lower jaw, incisional distance. Conclusions. 1. Complex therapy, including splint therapy, myogymnastics, manual traction of the disc, the use of platelet growth factor, showed good results in the treatment of TMJ malfunctions. 2. According to all the studied criteria (pain in TMJ with a maximum opening of the mouth, protrusion, laterotruzii, sound phenomena in TMJ, myofascial pain (palpation), the presence of deviation/deflection of the lower jaw), the most effective result of treatment was obtained after 1 month.
TMJ malfunctions, intra-articular injections of platelet growth factor, PRP therapy for TMJ dysfunction, traction of the articular disc, complex therapy of TMJ malsfunctions
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