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Abstract (English):
Na osnovanii izucheniya literatury, posvyaschennoy diagnostike i lecheniyu odontogennyh miksom chelyustey, v dannoy stat'e rassmotreny takie momenty, kak epidemiologiya, naibolee tipichnaya klinika, patomorfologicheskaya kartina dannoy raznovidnosti opuholi. Dana mor- fologicheskaya harakteristika opuholi, rassmotreny klinicheskie proyavleniya odontogennyh miksom, osvescheny voprosy taktiki i prognoza hirurgicheskogo lecheniya pri dannom vide patologii. V stat'e priveden klinicheskiy primer, illyustriruyuschiy taktiku intraoperacionnoy diagnostiki i hirurgicheskogo lecheniya odontogennoy miksomy. Pered avtorami stoyala zadacha na primere konkretnogo klinicheskogo sluchaya prodemonstrirovat' vozmozhnosti intraopera- cionnogo gistologicheskogo issledovaniya, obosnovat' vybor hirurgicheskoy taktiki, zaklyu- chayuscheysya v planirovanii granic rezekcii. Privedeny dannye srochnogo gistologicheskogo issledovaniya, predstavleny otdalennye rezul'taty lecheniya.

odontogennaya miksoma, verhnyaya chelyust', ekspress-biopsiya.
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