Yekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The new pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of herpetic gingivostomatitis was synthesized. It contains an antiviral ingredient Triazavirin. The base of composition is silicone glycerohydrogel. The purpose of research - clinical and laboratory study and compare the efficacy of a new pharmaceutical composition and Acyclovir ointment in complex treatment of herpetic gingivostomatitis. The study group № 1 was presented 53 patients, study group № 2 was 54. All patients were assigned to a comprehensive treatment of herpetic gingivostomatitis. We use a new pharmaceutical composition in the study group № 1 and traditional local antiviral drug acyclovir ointment 5% in the study group number 2. It is well established that the effectiveness of a new pharmaceutical composition in the complex treatment of herpetic gingivostomatitis higher than when using conventional antiviral drug acyclovir. Results are supported by basic and advanced techniques.
herpetic gingivostomatitis, new pharmaceuticalcomposition, Triazavirin