Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Yekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Subject. The article presents an investigation of the dental status of patients with early manifestations of tooth wear. The effectiveness of applying a new pharmacologically active composition of nanostructured fluorine hydroxyapatite as a remineralizing agent in the form of a gel in comparison with traditional methods was evaluated. Objectives. To study the effectiveness of a new pharmacologically active composition of nanostructured fluorhydroxyapatite application in the treatment of early manifestations of tooth wear. Methods. 153 patients were examined at the stages of remineralizing therapy with using a new pharmacologically active composition and traditional methods, indexed OHI-S, PMA, KPU, periodontal index, indicators of electrometry, test of enamel resistance, quality of life. Results. Within 1 year of observations in the study groups, in 91.2% cases, a persistent remission of the disease without progression of the loss of hard dental tissues was observed against the background of a decrease in the electrometry and test of enamel resistance test. 56.4% of patients throughout the year noted the absence of a symptom of hyperesthesia. The recurrence of the symptom of hyperesthesia against a background of fixed indices of resistance and electrical conductivity of enamel was noted by 34.8% of patients. In 8,8% of cases there was a lack of dynamics of indices and reduction of hyperesthesia. Conclusions. The level of caries-resistance and electrical conductivity of enamel of the teeth of patients of two groups was studied: with facets of erasability within the enamel and with dotted dentin damage against the background of the course of remineralizing therapy with using pharmacologically active composition of nanostructured fluorine hydroxyapatite. The relationship between the reduction of the symptom of hyperesthesia and the increase in the level of dental health of patients after the end of treatment was revealed.
tooth wear, remineralizing therapy, nanostructured fluorine hydroxyapatite
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